Application Fee

Application of non-refundable fee of Tshs.10,000/= should be done through the instructions provided in the electronic application form found in the Institute website;

Applicants of PSV, HGV, INDUSTRIAL and VIP courses shall pay pre-test fee 20,000/= and should pass PRACTICAL PRE – TEST before applying their respective courses.

Applicants for non-refundable Masters of Business Administration in Logistic and Transport Management application fee of Tshs.30,000/= for Tanzanian applicants and USD 25 for Non – Tanzanian applicants should be paid for the application.

Additional Information or Clarification

You may seek additional information through the following phone numbers and email address: Tel:+255222400148/9; Fax: +255222443140; Mobile: 255684757774; Mobile: 255762 202 215 Mobile: 255713794870 Mobile: 255782-422199; E-mail: