Welcome to the Internal Audit Unit. The objective of the Unit is to assist the Institute in accomplishing its strategic and operational objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the Institute’s risk management, control and governance processes.
NAME | Designation | Specialization |
Mr. Oscar Kamangaoscar.kamanga@nit.ac.tz |
Internal Audit Officer II |
N/A |
Ms. Asia Mkonyiasia.mkonyi@nit.ac.tz |
Internal Audit Officer I |
N/A |
CPA. Innocent Mshangainnocent.mshanga@nit.ac.tz |
Internal Audit Officer I |
N/A |
Ms. Mary Maukimary.mauki@nit.ac.tz |
Principal Internal Audit Officer |
N/A |
CPA. Johannes B. Kerengehead.internalauditor@nit.ac.tz |
Head IAUChief Internal Auditor |
N/A |
* On study leave
** On external appointment/career advancement leave
*** On any other leave